By fired - 17/09/2013 04:36 - United States - Barnesville

Today, I called work crying, telling them that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow due to my grandmother's sudden and tragic death. After hanging up, I walked into the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto 5. I had no idea my boss was also an avid gamer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 083
You deserved it 99 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

Most people have played hooky from work at some point, but you never EVER use a family member's death as an excuse. That's just horrible. Ydi

Come on, especially he should understand the magic of GTA V


not only do YDI, but you also suck at life. wow.

Why did you use your poor grandmother's name instead of just calling in sick like a normal human? Karma is a f***er isn't she.

SpcNemo 10

Really? And this is an example of our civilian work force today.. I don't want to live in this planet anymore.

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

And what if that had actually happened to your grandmother? Then what? All for a game.

emmybabe987 10

that's sickening. wtf dude. ydi big time.

all you had to do was call in sick but no, you try some stupid shit like that... At least next time you won't try that. But GTA V is ALMOST worth the dirty looks you will receive.

Hey now,I think he'll understand! Just talk gamer to gamer! xo

nachosbabygurl 9

you deserve to lose your job for lying about your grandmas death

Next time go to a different store in a different town. Or wait until morning and say u got food poisoning.

noboundary 9

Wow seriously. You would go that far. Shame on you dude, that's just sick.