By fired - 17/09/2013 04:36 - United States - Barnesville

Today, I called work crying, telling them that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow due to my grandmother's sudden and tragic death. After hanging up, I walked into the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto 5. I had no idea my boss was also an avid gamer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 083
You deserved it 99 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

Most people have played hooky from work at some point, but you never EVER use a family member's death as an excuse. That's just horrible. Ydi

Come on, especially he should understand the magic of GTA V


I wanted to go to midnight release :( but still gonna get it in a few hours!

WHOOO-WOOOOO Karma train coming through, looks like you bought your ticket - moron...

jw90 18

Should of requested the day off in advance OP. I know you're not guaranteed to get it but it's better than lying about the death of a family member.

woah people! who ever said she didnt die? We dont know where OP works nor what shift he may be working. just saying, cant just jump to conclusions til we get some clarity.

Um, Op's grandmother did not die. If she did die, then he likely would not have been fired even if the boss caught him getting a video game.

Did your boss wiped your tears OP? I'm sorry about it, but I think YDI!

You just put a game before the job that paid for it. Hope it was worth it, idiot.

So basically you grand theft your ass back to the unemployment line OP... Worse you even played on the death of your own grandmother... That's a new low....

Idiot u buy the game, go home, and then call in!