By fired - 17/09/2013 04:36 - United States - Barnesville

Today, I called work crying, telling them that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow due to my grandmother's sudden and tragic death. After hanging up, I walked into the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto 5. I had no idea my boss was also an avid gamer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 083
You deserved it 99 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

Most people have played hooky from work at some point, but you never EVER use a family member's death as an excuse. That's just horrible. Ydi

Come on, especially he should understand the magic of GTA V


The stupid shit people do for a damn video game. I hope your ass got fired so you can't buy anymore until you learn to be responsible. YDI

CharresBarkrey 15

Most employers will not let you call in on a day you've previously requested off and been denied. I would get written up at my job for doing that.

people like you are the reason that you can't trust people. pathetic! i hope you were fired

Maybe the boss was mourning the loss of his grandma too!

sorry op, but you need to get priorities in order. im a gamer too, but you can wait a few hours until you get home to play. Your boss dies it, you can too. ydi.

Why do so many people fail to read OPs username? Besides, if his grandma really passed away, he should prove it and go to court. Shitty way to honor her but well.. One could use some distraction.

I am pretty sure op could prove it with a service folder, call to the funeral home, and/ or a death certificate. There is no need to waste money in court.

vencku 13

Because the username doesn't show up in the mobile version of the website, I would hazard.

You absolutely deserved it. On the bright side, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy your game now that you'll be unemployed, you bloody liar!

That is absolutely sickening. What is with you trying to kill family to be able to get to some game convention. I hope your grandma's ghost comes back and haunts you forever. YDI

I'm not advocating calling in sick over a video game, but if you're going to, at least do it AFTER you've picked up the game so crap like this doesn't happen. You still totally deserve it though OP, lying about your grandmother dying (or anyone else for that matter) is never the way to go.

YDI. Just put in a day's leave like normal people. The release date has been public for ages.