By fired - 17/09/2013 04:36 - United States - Barnesville

Today, I called work crying, telling them that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow due to my grandmother's sudden and tragic death. After hanging up, I walked into the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto 5. I had no idea my boss was also an avid gamer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 083
You deserved it 99 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

Most people have played hooky from work at some point, but you never EVER use a family member's death as an excuse. That's just horrible. Ydi

Come on, especially he should understand the magic of GTA V


I don't understand why people wait in line all night for games when you can wait a few more hours and Amazon will deliver it right to your mailbox on release day.

How to get over "grandma's death" Step 1. Buy game which you have the option to kill the elderly....-.-

You don't have to be an avid gamer to love gta

YDI but thats just hilarious haha good luck to ya

You couldn't have just called in sick? On the list of dick moves, lying about a family member's death is near the top.

an0nym0uspers0n 5

even if you got fired, at least you have GTA

You so deserved it you lying scunthorpe!!!!

at least you have plenty of time to game it up

Yeah let's not go to work because a game just came out. You do realize that your boss has every right to fire you and you would no longer have an income right?