By justkillm3 - 13/05/2010 04:07 - United States

Today, I came home after ten hours at work to find my unemployed wife and 4 kids sprawled out watching TV waiting for me to get home and cook for them. I had to wash all the dishes first because they didn't feel like getting up or helping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 183
You deserved it 9 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grow a pair and tell them to take some responsibility.

Then don't do it until they get off their asses and help :/


Sucks that he's just expected to do the cooking and the dishes-- that's not right. But there are lots of productive things she could've done that day as well. Did the kids have their homework done? Had she been grocery shopping or running household errands all day? Did she spend the afternoon doing yardwork, coaching a team, volunteering at the kids' school? Was she chasing toddlers all day or soothing a colicky baby all night? If this is an everyday occurance, FYL and YDI for doing nothing to change the situation. If this was one really shitty or busy day for her and she needed a break, and you're just complaining that you had to help at home for once, YTDI. Cooking and cleaning are just two items on a housewife and mother's extensive to-do list, and they're on the clock 24/7.

i don't nor have i ever agreed that a woman's place is "in the kitchen/doing housework," but good god, man. you're the one working the long days and supporting your family. you shouldn't have to come home to see your wife and your four kids waiting and expecting you to make them dinner. your wife SHOULD have dinner fixed for the family when you get home, or one of the kids should if they're old enough. not because she's the wife, but because she is the one at home and you're working. if it was reversed, i'd you should have dinner ready. also, i'm wondering how long your wife has been unemployed. if it's been longer than a few months, you two need to have a serious talk. also with your kids. my brother and i started slacking in helping my mom with the chores, and we got chewed the hell out. use a little authority and put your foot down. there is no sense in them acting that way. and to all of you saying she may have an excuse because she might be "depressed," i call BS. my mother has severe depression, and she STILL goes to work 40 hours a week and comes home and helps with the housework. depression my ass.

I agree with just about everything you say, except that a by definition, depression interferes with a person's ability to function as they normally would.. while your mother may have a form of severe depression, I highly doubt that it's the same form of depression that other people are referring to

I think that's what led to my parents divorce. Lay down the law. Or eat on your way home from work. :)

cheat on her. My wife sometimes does the same thing, but instead of the tv it's the phone. if the sex wasn't good, I would be gone. find a nice ***** to throttle... and divorce the bitch.

YDI. Man up and tell them to help instead of bitching about it to the whole ******* world you cry baby.

taking care of 4 kids is a fuckload of work. maybe it was her one break during the day. get your kids to do the dishes, your wife has enough to deal with raising 4 kids with you outta the house 10+ hours a day. she's gotta be the bad cop, and on all their asses all the time to do their homework/laundry/errands/etc. plus since you pointed out her being unemployed, she probably has stress from you bitching about her not having a job. she probably feels just as unappriciated as you do. shut the **** up, get a babysitter for a night and take her out. don't bitch about her and you spawn behind her back because you had to feed yourself, maybe shell get back to the kitchen once she feels like you're still a priority and nit just a 5th child. just sayin

zippit09 0

Or you could quit assuming shit just to have a rant at the OP? A post full of "probably this" and "you shouldn't do that" based on zero information is a douchey pile of shit you're better off not posting at all. just sayin

perhaps, but I was jumping to the same amount of conclusions as everyone else. you just don't agree with mine. cry more

zippit09 0

I disagree pretty strongly with that. The only conclusion (most) others are jumping to is that she had time to do some washing and/or cooking in her day. A conclusion based on the fact that millions of women with children manage to do just those things every day. Whereas you try to provide us with a character study of the OP based on... absolutely nothing.

millions of women everyday, have 4 children that they take care of everyday, a husband who works 10hr shifts, manages to have the kitchen perfectly in order with dinner for 6 on the table at the right time, every single day? no. lol, just no. I'd love to live in your world if you really think that's true. housewives who have husband that work a lot, however, do tend to become depressed, listless, unhappy, lonely, etc. stress in this economy of not having a job is common. having 4 kids to support makes it more common. the guy obviously feels like he does a lot of work. she might feel the same being at home with 4 people to constantly moniter. and not just for 10 hours.. I mean a mothers job is 24/7/365. I mean there are "millions" of men that work 10 hour shifts everyday that come home to babysitter who won't help with dishes or dinner. they can pull it off without complaint, why's this guy get to bitch? perhaps because they are who they are and you can't prove that just because 10 people can do it, that the 11th person can do it too. my conclusions were safe to jump to, while conclusions such as "SHES A FAT LAZY BITCH AND YOU SHOULD DIVORCE HER" are helpful, reasonable or nice at all. I was offering my theories/perspective, and I wasn't trying to offer advice that would hurt anyone or lead someone to end a marriage, but instead, try and work it out. not that the guy would listen to a stranger or anything, but this is an open forum soooo.. so really? my conclusions were bad? go troll someone else.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

I recall an fml where the husband told the wife her job as housewife was nothing special. everyone said how much hard work it is.

Taking care of four kids can be a bit of work, but we don't know how old these kids are, it these are school age kids as the FML seems to suggest, then they are plenty old enough to begin learning to be self sufficient, which can take pressure off the mother, and no one says the house or kitchen has to be "perfectly in order," but if there aren't even enough clean dishes in the house to make one meal, there's definitely a problem...

dugumit 0

leave your family and find some easy hot young thing with big **** to spend your money on. there are plenty on fml to choose from.

Normally I'm against the whole "women belong in the kitchen" thing, but if she's home all day, and you're working 10 hours, she does need to be doing something. You need to tell her that if you're gonna support her, then she needs to get up off her lazy ass and get to work! She's home all day, so she should be doing the majority of the housework. Until she (and your kids) start doing work, just cook for yourself, and have them make their own food. Maybe even cancel the cable. When I was living with my ex, we were both full time college students AND I played the roll of a full time housewife. I never complained, and I always got everything done. I'm also just 19 years old. Make them all get off their lazy asses and do their part.

anaisnin 0

playin housewife as a teenager how cute.... that's easy if your not also taking care of four kids.

zippit09 0

If she'd said "I worked a full-time job and still got all the housework done" I'm sure you'd have said nothing. Studying is as big a timesink. So take your patronising shit elsewhere.

126, I disagree. Raising 4 kids requires an enormous measure of hard work, emotional strain, sleeplessness and other general energy expenditures, even if you do love it and live for it. Working full-time and taking care of a household of 2 adults is still laughable compared to keeping house while raising 4 kids. And I do the former, so I'm not knocking it at all-- I know it's hard work, just not *as* hard.

zippit09 0

I wasn't trying to say that full-time work is as demanding as raising 4 kids. But nor, I think, was #92. What I was saying that its still a decent responsibility and the poster above (101) had no right to start spewing patronising shite - effectively just because it was a teenager speaking.

Divorce your wife, disown your kids and spend their vacation/college fund on a booze binge in vagas.