By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 02:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
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Can't win, part 15
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Magpie eyes
By Anonymous - 05/10/2023 16:30
By Anonymous - 03/11/2018 22:00
By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 18:55 - United States - Escondido
Top comments
Let me guess-you did them? That is why they expect you to do them-you let them push you around like that. Tell them to do them.
yea but op is female...
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayyea just tell them 2 do them don't b a pushover...
How is this funny? None of you understand the dangers of the kitchen! Hot stoves, muck-covered sinks, confusing measurements for everything, knives lining every counter, blenders ready to chew up your fingers, and that spatula is just plain awful!
"Snow White is doing dishes again, 'cuz what else can you do with seven ity-bity men?"
bitch u betta do it b4 they slit u. lol.
if you did the dishes then YDi for being a pushover and letting them treat you like a doormat. I hope you had some self respect and also treated them like capable people by refusing to do them and let them do them- unless of course you all take turns and it was your turn
Exactly. No you wouldn't, you couldn't.
ooh your a woman and there's 3 able-bodied MEN in the house. does that spell 4-some??? maybe that explains why they didn't do the dishes. XP
No, *foursome is how it is spelt.
Spelled is how it's spelled.
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Show it anywaythey take turns
I can't decide whether this is sexism or laziness. Either way, I'd put scorpions in their mattresses.
I feel your pain OP. I live with 2 unemployed men who NEVER do dishes, pick up a mop or broom, vaccuum, nothing. Sometimes I even wonder if they even know we own a trash can. Unfortunately for me, I've "gone on strike" multiples times for extended periods of time and all that does is leave me with a whole week or twos worth of messes to clean instead of 1 days worth of messes. FYL.
no it's time for these 2 lazy asses to get jobs lol
Now I'm going to make a suggestion here: If at all possible, move out.
I wouldn't do it if I was you. But then again, if you don't want to live in filth then you're just going to have to do it.

Let me guess-you did them? That is why they expect you to do them-you let them push you around like that. Tell them to do them.
if you did the dishes then YDi for being a pushover and letting them treat you like a doormat. I hope you had some self respect and also treated them like capable people by refusing to do them and let them do them- unless of course you all take turns and it was your turn