By unlucky - 20/04/2013 21:17 - United States - Wheeling

Today, I came home from a four month stay in Africa, where I managed to avoid suffering any serious illness. Some hours after my first meal back at home, I got food poisoning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 825
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Musicsthecure 8

When Africa's food is better prepared than ours.

LudicMonster 22

Bitch please, I've lived in Africa the majority of my whole life without catching major illnesses, contrary to popular belief, there are places on this continent that are clean and safe -.-


So Africa is a place where you get sick? Retard

Ryvuen 4

Food poisoning generally takes a minimum of 24 hours to be felt- and generally longer, sometimes as long as 72 hours, because the bacteria involved have to overpower your immune system, grow, and begin spreading before you feel the symptoms. I'd point the finger at something you ate at the airport you departed from or on the flight as being a much more likely culprit. Regardless, though, that's a horrible 'welcome home'.

It depends on how this food poisoning "came out", so to speak. If you were vomiting, it was probably your meal in the U.S.; your immune system will usually evacuate the contents of your stomach within 12 hours, if that were the case. If it came out as diarrhea, it may have been something on the way home; that usually takes longer, in order for you body to release enough water from the intestines to flush it out.

Turns out you're safer in Africa then the US

Or wherever you live, probably the U.S, or Canada, or anywhere in Europe

Tattoo_Freak 15

Not every single COUNTRY is riddled with disease and illness. It is mostly poverty stricken people in ANY country in the world that get sick because they cannot afford medical care. I live in the country SOUTH AFRICA. I have lived here my entire life and have "avoided" getting sick. Seriously douchebag?!! YDI for your ridiculous and insulting stereotyping.

BroSkii1009 4