By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, I came home from work and went to open the door. I Iooked through the window and saw a man in my house. Terrified, I called the police. They came, searched the house, and found nothing missing. I went back inside and looked through the window and saw him again. It was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 530
You deserved it 79 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! I can't believe you messed up that badly. :)

haha I hope you were either high or really tired.


BulldogQB4 0

Hahaha omg. You're a man and you called the cops cause you saw a man in your house? Sack up and take charge man.

I really hope this is fake. Nobody can be this stupid

do shiny objects occupy your time for hours? do you find basic math terrifying?

crackhacky 0

Lmao! I've been up since 2am working, and Im very tired but this just made my effing day! :D

lame!!! did you get major plastic surgery??..... where you once a woman??

As stupid as that was, it reminds me of a babysitting story where they saw a pair of eyes outside the window, but the guy was really in the pantry and it was his reflection off the window. So just be glad it was your reflection, not someone else's!

The police wouldn't know if something was missing...

I'm sorry, but I can't feel bad for someone who is that impulsive. YDI.