By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, I came home from work and went to open the door. I Iooked through the window and saw a man in my house. Terrified, I called the police. They came, searched the house, and found nothing missing. I went back inside and looked through the window and saw him again. It was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 526
You deserved it 79 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! I can't believe you messed up that badly. :)

haha I hope you were either high or really tired.


Mr_Serious 6

# 19 and #22 Idiocracy in the flesh lol

wow. calling the cops on your reflection... too bad they didn't arrest you for scaring yourself so badly. i mean what are you doing being reflected inside your own house? please adopt.

Loe_307 0

#8 "I Iooked in the window and saw a man in my house." Pretty dead give away that it's a GUY. How did you not know it was you when you made eye contact???? Please don't breed.

coffeennicotine 0

Wow, how stupid and ugly are you to scare yourself with your own reflection? And you called the cops? You're a "man" supposedly, right? Then act like one.

PieGuy 0

im guessing your mom dropped you on your head one too many times?

"holy shit! that guy broke into my house! OH GOD, he looks just like me! HE STOLE MY IDENTITY!" awww poor you though...

The same thing happened to my girlfriend the other day but in my car. She was outside looking in the passenger side door and saw her own reflection. She jumped thinking a stranger snuck into my car or that my mom was hiding in the car and looked at her.

heatherlwise 0
AntiChrist7 0

doesn't your mental disability prohibits you form living alone?