By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my girlfriend had sold all of my N64 and Atari games and both the consoles and bought me a PS4 with the money. While I was standing there in shock, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, I'm the greatest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 827
You deserved it 4 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TDog3337 12

Childhood Ruined... I'm so sorry

She probably (hopefully) had the best intentions, but that doesn't explain why she thought it was normal to sell someone else's possessions.


that sucks, but she put in a lot of effort and tried. gotta respect that

I wouldn't consider her selling someone else's personal belongings without their permission as something she put a lot of effort into...

countryb_cth 38

What effort. She sold his stuff. Used the money from selling his stuff. To buy a new game. She didn't even use her own money.

There. Is. Absolutely. Nothing worthy of respect here, save for maybe not putting her six feet under right then and there.

chef4money 12

You don't "gotta respect" anything about that. She sold his stuff to buy him something. The only way it would be any good is if she had sold her own stuff to buy him the system.

I would never respect anyone who without my consent sells MY items and/or uses the money....NEVER!!!

No, she gets no respect. She sold off her boyfriends' private property without his consent. Not only that but the items she sold were very dear to OP; she sold his childhood memories.

In my opinion "putting in a lot of effort" means picking up extra shifts at work or getting another part time job to buy someone a gift, not listing another persons possessions on Ebay

That sounds like a major breach of space.

Hasn't she ever heard that if it's not yours, don't touch it?

Well. she tried to get him a great gift and I'm guessing she threw some of her own money in too. it sucks but she had good intentions. Ps4s are cool

ashweaver 12

Might as well have sold your dignity as well

If she wanted to give you a PS4 so bad, she should have earned and saved that money other way. What was she thinking? Those weren't even hers! Hope you can get them back op, good luck

UhHuhHoney 20

...The greatest childhood ruiner!!! How dare she!!!

I am a girl, I fully support you breaking up with her and taking her to small claims court. I would never touch my boyfriends old consoles and games. It would be like him giving my batman collection to a todler to play with.

Why is it important to state that you are a girl?

UhHuhHoney 20

that's slightly drastic, don't you think?

Not really. I'm assuming we're talking around $500 here considering a PS4 was bought with the money. OPs girlfriend has: 1. Stolen property 2. Sold that stolen property 3. Being a terrible girlfriend for stealing and selling your boyfriends possessions without permission. That type of stuff can be hard to get back so hopefully you guys can work it out and somehow fix this.

demonwolfmaster 26

Fully agree, any one touches my older systems for a new one you would be an ex in 10 seconds, along with getting my stuff back or its court

Heck yeah, I'm not even a gamer and I'd be livid over that. Definitely press charges if she didn't get my collection back very soon.

Yes, this. It's theft, pure and simple. I don't care what her intentions were. She clearly has zero respect for other people and thinks that she can make unilateral decisions about their belongings.

chef4money 12

Technically she stole and sold his items. She can be arrested and charged for doing that. I don't think this commenter is overreacting at all.

Completely agree. Even if she had the best intentions, what she did was wrong, and if she can't get his stuff back and then refuses to pay him back for the entire cost of the collection (so possibly more than the money she sold them for) he has every right to dump her and then take her to court to get the money back.

toxxickittyy 19

As someone who owns every console (old ones included) this would devastate me. It was NOT her right to do this at all. It doesn't matter what her intentions were she should have asked and not just assumed OP wanted to get rid of those things for a PS4.

At what point did she think it was okay to sell your possessions without asking? If you wanted it done you would've done it yourself.