By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my girlfriend had sold all of my N64 and Atari games and both the consoles and bought me a PS4 with the money. While I was standing there in shock, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, I'm the greatest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 827
You deserved it 4 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TDog3337 12

Childhood Ruined... I'm so sorry

She probably (hopefully) had the best intentions, but that doesn't explain why she thought it was normal to sell someone else's possessions.


allyiscute1 22

Your girlfriend sucks but at least she had good intentions but she still sucks

I feel bad for you about the N64 but not so much the Atari. The N64 was definitely the better console by far.

We need an update, op! What happened next? Please tell me you broke up with her.

That's a little harsh, but in this case VERY deserving punishment for that kind of stupidity. As least she was smart enough to buy OP a PS4 and not an XBone.

Why wouldn't she think that you'd do that on your own if you wanted to...? I mean, if she could sell your stuff and buy new stuff with it, you clearly could have done it if you wanted to. She sounds really nice but... Cmon.

NyehNyahNioh 14

So you broke up with her, right?

The actual price of all those... To a collector... Far exceed the price if a PS4 You just lost money and sentimental items.

That sucks so bad, i mean glad she loves you but damn man, OOT is gone D=

werewolf_babe 16

Why didn't she sell her own stuff or use her own money... Usually that's what you do when you get someone a gift So technically you unwillingly bought your own ps4 Worst girlfriend ever FYL sorry OP :c