By backstabbed - 29/10/2011 07:22 - Australia

Today, I caught my best friend in bed with my current boyfriend. Apparently watching movies naked is "the new in thing". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 585
You deserved it 3 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It goes to show you that sometimes you can't even trust those close to you. I hope you find someone better :)


You dated him, you deserve it. Hope ya learned a lesson in how to tell if a guy is a prick

charmanderCHAR 5

You're shit. Like YOU could tell one person from another in a matter of meeting them, and even if you could, feelings get in the way. Go to Hell.

Girls date jerks all the time while dissing the nice guys. And yet they whine and complain when they get screwed over. It's karma. Food for thought: how do we know the OP isn't a jerk?

AustinDx 2

were they watching "the naked gun' movie? lol ydi for having a slutty friend, but fyl for the situation. I'm sorry OP :/

Victoire_W 0

Something I will try with my bf. Thanks!

You mean... Not everyone watches movies naked together with their friends? I feel violated...

hateevryone 14

backstabbers. kill them both

Apparently, dumping those useless good for nothing cheating boyfriends are the new in thing too.

1JDub 6

Im no rocket scientist, but I think he mighta just banged her...FYL