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By facingit - 08/11/2010 10:32 - Australia

Today, I was told that I look like a cross between Roger Federer and Neil Patrick Harris. Apparently I have a big forehead and a squished face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 812
You deserved it 3 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both NPH and Federer are awesome and far from ugly. Suck it up, crybaby!

WARNING: OP is fishing for compliments.


Quest_ 13

More importantly, are your parents actually Roger Federer and Neil Patrick Harris? Because that would be awesome.

trueblue42 4

at least they didn't compare you to Gary Coleman

restythestar 0

Neil Patrick Harris is the definition of awesomeness. You should be grateful!

What 16 said. Neil Patrick Harris is one of my favorite actors of all time.

beelo44 0

I'm watching Herold and Kumar right now.

actingbro 3

I agree I don't c why this is a fml, NPH is in it, which makes it a win

Indeed, this doesn't sound like such a bad thing at all! Aren't both those guys supposed to be pretty good-looking? Sounds like you really were determined to take it the wrong way.

NPH is openly gay and the Federer is a tennis player who is married (to a woman) but doesn't play a "manly" sport like rugby or armed combat. I'm guessing that OP has other issues with being compared to these men.

Both NPH and Federer are awesome and far from ugly. Suck it up, crybaby!

RedPillSucks 31

YDI for being so caught up in what other people think about how you look.

gaga_fierce 0

wow it's not that big of a deal...

I'll trade my first born just to look like Neil, and throw in my wife for a suit. he's totally awesome!

you could be the best gay tennis player in the world

mintcar 9

Hahaha, what's wrong with Neil? And don't be bothered by what people say about your appearance.

WARNING: OP is fishing for compliments.

blinkingstarlet 15

exactly what i was thinking, #13. "Wah, I'm attractive!" ::peeks out from behind hands:: OP stahpit. lol.