By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 06:27 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating right after I maxed out my credit card buying him everything on his Christmas list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 926
You deserved it 16 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you max out your credit card for a guy in the first place?


FYL, but why buy everything on his list?Does no one else buy him gifts?

eatlesschipmunks 0

Take everything back dump his ass and cheat back HARD!

It sucks he cheated but if you just bought his entire list for him you obviously have some problems.. Too clingy maybe? I'm married and we still aren't that giving..

About 99% of the commenters here advise on returning the merchandise, many comment on a grown man having a wish list. But the pain of finding out he's cheating on her seems not to be important to the obviously heartless people here...

bsimon7792 0

I'm sooooo sorry! I feel so bad for you!

Cheer up OP : do yourself a wonderfull gift for Christmass and dump the cheating bastard. And as of the other gifts, [sarcasm] big deal [/sarcasm]. Bring everything back to the store, they have to refund you full price, at least where I live. The shops can and probably will OFFER you a gift card as a refund, but you are in no way whatsoever forced to accept anything but 100% your actual money back. You don't even need any reason (as if it broke or dosen't fit) to bring back the stuff you bought if it's under a certain number of days (seven?). If bought on the web, go back to the website to cancel your order. Call the company to cancel if website is giving you trouble. As a last resort, call your credit card company to block the transaction should the shop claim they can't refund you 100%. It's that company's fault for crappy consumer service, don't pull up with their shit. Some shops and websites display ''No refunds'' of claim they can't refund if you broke the seal on the package, but the law begs to differ and does over-rule their intimidating ''shop policy''. If shopkeepers insist on denying your basic rights, threathen to and do fill a complain if necessary, as their behaviour is against the law and should not be tolerated. As a last resort, sue for item price+court fees. At least it's how it works where I live. We do have some kickass consumer protection.

Itslife2594 0

****** up is not that u bought them but that hes a cheating bastard, :(

uridea 14

Oh the joy of returns still sorry to hear it OP