By babyeaternomnom - 30/06/2012 16:22 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I caught my elderly neighbour skinny-dipping in my pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 891
You deserved it 2 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You could get an Airsoft gun and shoot him whilst he's naked. Or just put an alligator in the pool.

goq0123 6

Yay for never being to old to go pool hopping. This is funny,quit whining.

Life is short don't sweat small stuff like this , laugh about it because later in life this incident will be funny .

Just passing if you see something you like speak up lol

don't go in your pool after this: add a TON of chlorine, that will burn so bad after all the burning sensation means the chlorine is working :p

Gross or not I'd be on alert especially if they have dementia. Wouldn't want them to drown.

eabaker31 0

It's called a fence. You might wanna invest in one.

If any of my neighbors skinny dipped in my pool the cops would be called. I have a fenced in yard, and I've caught my neighbors kids swimming in there without permission. I marched them to their parents and told the parents. OP had every right to call the cops... Everyone saying "oh its just the elderly" no, that's disrespectful. you do not skinny dip in someone else's pool unless invited to. And if anything happened to the neighbor, IE slipping on the concrete... the family could sue.