By babyeaternomnom - 30/06/2012 16:22 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I caught my elderly neighbour skinny-dipping in my pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 891
You deserved it 2 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


She was probably getting back in touch with her youthful,sexy wild side. Hopefully she wasn't having an Alzheimer-induced episode. Elderly neighbor: Hank, pass me the beach ball! No, don't try and get frisky with me, you rascal-- *OP walks up* -Who the **** are you? Ahh, the fruits of our youth. Just hope you're as energetic as her when you're older, OP.

For anyone who asks "Who said it was an old lady?" That's just how I interpreted it.

nesteremily 31

omg...I went skinny dipping in my friends pool at midnight and her brother and his friends snuck up on us and saw me totally naked -_____- lol I'm a total moron.

You cannot fathom the amount of ***** that most of us don't give.

nesteremily 31

and you cannot fathom how ******* ugly you are

That might hold a little more merit if it wasn't coming from an individual who looks like a rejected mime. Work on your insults, sweetie, they aren't very good.

unknown_user5566 26

... Is this the point in time you were expecting everyone to make sexual comments at the thought of you being naked?

hockeyoceancity 13

33- I was thinking of doing it but my mother taught me if i had nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.

yes you are a total moron , now that you admit it hopefully you can work on it !

Same question as #33. Good point of view Kyleekay!!

A7X_LoVeee 10

^hahahaha what the ****. Edit nvm the pic was removed.

Guys, he didn't just see her naked, he saw her TOTALLY naked! Sound the alarms. We have an FML. *sarcasm*

Ick. Nothing makes the sight of wrinkled old flesh forgivable.

DarkHelmet 10

In Soviet Russia that offense is grounds for execution

nesteremily 31
unknown_user5566 26

The nakedness is awful and all, but why the hell were they in YOUR pool? Time to set some neighborly rules. 1) Clothing is not optional on your property. 2) They need to stay the **** out of your pool.

36 Well, my parents in America (I live in France) tell our neighbors that if they want to swim to come and swim. And most of their neighbors are elderly. I'm surprised they haven't called me with this same story. Neighbors sometimes take advantage of others. It just happens.

OP's elderly neighbors may have been senile (I did state this on another comment, sorry).

did you see all his extra saggy "skin" floating in the pool?

I mean she just wants to enjoy the day :)

I'm looking forward to getting old enough to get away with this myself lol