By babyeaternomnom - 30/06/2012 16:22 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I caught my elderly neighbour skinny-dipping in my pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 891
You deserved it 2 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


maclieberman 5

oh god that's so gross...wrinkled saggy skin...fyl for having to deal with that but also ydi for basically giving them a free easy pass in

Get rid of the alien pods and he will stop coming over to swim.

+1 internetz for reference to Cocoon :-)

next time change the temperature in your pool.

Soo you jump in yelling CANON BALL!!!! ..oh the fun

Mkbitch 2

YOLO bitches!! Said your elderly neighborhood before hopping in.

Picolli 6

The universal meaning of its time to move!

I guess you're wishing you could unsee this!