By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 11:28 - United States - Manhattan Beach

Today, I caught my girlfriend cheating on me. Now she's threatening to kill herself if I don't forgive her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 980
You deserved it 2 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

I will never understand how people can take suicide so lightly. She sounds like an awful person all around. You're better off OP.


You can't be held responsible for her actions. This is emotionally abusive behavior. You could inform her family so they can take care of it. There is also the suicide prevention hotline, you could ask them for help.

Treaton 5

just break up with her! Who gives a fk if a girl threatens to kill herself. Most people can't do it anyway, plus why would you want to be with someone that unfaithfull and unstable?

Tyjw924 3

Let her. Childish bitch needs to learn.

tell her you will bring popcorn. skews only getting to guilt trip you.

Manipulative people are very unpredictable be careful what you say to her or you could be accused of inciting suicide if you say/imply that she should just do it. Do not take her back do not allow her to manipulate you further but be very careful what you say/txt

tell her to jump off something! she can **** off.

Call the police...but the questions is if you will stay with her if you forgive her...but I think that's a low chance