By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 11:28 - United States - Manhattan Beach

Today, I caught my girlfriend cheating on me. Now she's threatening to kill herself if I don't forgive her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 980
You deserved it 2 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

I will never understand how people can take suicide so lightly. She sounds like an awful person all around. You're better off OP.


I bet she's not up to keeping that commitment either.

Yeah, right... twll her to **** off. She's a psycho for sure.

She will cheat on you again she is manipulating you be smart and move on

You cannot stay in the relationship because of what she said. Then you will be in an emotionally abusive relationship. Inform parents (especially depending on how old she is) and the police. But don't submit yourself to this kind of emotional abuse.

Good. World will be better off without another ****

Let her kill herself. We don't need bitches like that in this world

she already had problems to begin with

Emotional blackmail, she sounds crazy.