By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 11:28 - United States - Manhattan Beach

Today, I caught my girlfriend cheating on me. Now she's threatening to kill herself if I don't forgive her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 980
You deserved it 2 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

I will never understand how people can take suicide so lightly. She sounds like an awful person all around. You're better off OP.


Give her the good ol Nike quote "Just do it"

quarterbird 18

FYL now... But YDI if you fall for that shit.

Tell her that you forgive her and ask if you can go to her house. Once there, tell her that you forgive her, but cannot date her anymore as she has broken the trust in the relationship beyond repair. Then, go ask her parents to keep an eye on her and let them know of her threat. This is all assuming she lives with her parents though... If not, do the same but let the closest relative of hers know of the threat.

Have her committed. If you're not old enough to do so, inform her parents.

say it is her fault dude. that isn't on you and odds are she wont do it. talk about an abusive relationship haha

martin8337 35

Call her bluff, she's not going to kill herself.

If she jumps off a building be there to support her and yell, "Do a back flip!"