By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 11:28 - United States - Manhattan Beach

Today, I caught my girlfriend cheating on me. Now she's threatening to kill herself if I don't forgive her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 980
You deserved it 2 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

I will never understand how people can take suicide so lightly. She sounds like an awful person all around. You're better off OP.


brocho 26

I think it's just a mind game she's playing, but suicide threats are nothing to take lightly, serious or not. I would call the cops on her if she threatens it again. But don't let her manipulate you into staying with her.

Jethco 15

Call your local authorities and her parents and let that one go.

She did two unforgivable things: 1) cheat 2) blackmail She's not worth it.

call law enforcement and alert them that she's threatening suicide. Even if you think it's an empty threat, don't sweep it under the rug. Let them handle it and don't contact get any more.

Am I a horrible person for saying not your problem anymore, let her do it?

So she's both a cheater and manipulative? Run. Run as fast as you can.

Tell her that you "forgive" her, but dont get back together with her.

butterbunny 15