By wildwonder808 - 12/08/2013 22:47 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I caught my new neighbor sticking his knob inside my car and pissing on my seats. His reason? I parked in his spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 417
You deserved it 8 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you leave your windows open? Pay him back by pissing in his house!


Wowxoxo 17

We've all heard of handicap parking, but asshole parking? That must be new..

Asshole parking is definitely not new.

Philerup31 12

That Sheldon Cooper is out of control.

DenBriZel 31

Sheldon Cooper strikes again!

Well that's a shitty situa...wait. Wrong FML?

There is no "right" FML for your comment.

Is it assigned parking spaces? If so you still don't really deserve it but you're a douche for parking in his spot. If it isn't take a dump in a bucket and pour it into his car on a hot day.

Lock doors and close windows? Now go shit in his car

Obey_StudBoii 23

Thrash his tires and put bleach in his engine.

subiedude08 17

Terrible just terrible attempt at a pun

GetPuckedUp 3

and this is why you always lock your doors and roll up your windows!

Obey_StudBoii 23