By Jake Whitte - 06/06/2011 13:50 - United States

Today, I changed the date of my birthday to today on Facebook to see how many people actually know my birthday. My mom wished me a happy birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 667
You deserved it 15 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A7X_LoVeee 10

Well duh. It was Facebook official.

WallyTheWombat 0

Why do people get upset when their attempts to fish for attention/compliments fail? Don't set yourself for disappointment if you can't handle it.


michaelm1290 23

shouldn't your mom have known it wasn't your actual birthday???

delaney4 0
dudeitsdanny 9

Good job! You got the point of the FML! I'm gonna call Mensa and let them know we may have found their next president!

36, no he wasn't. He's an idiot. Now I have to double-check my grammar and spelling because when you call someone out for being an idiot on FML everyone tries to make you look like just as much of an idiot for having bad writing skills.

"everyone tries to make you look like just as much of an idiot for having bad writing skills" Thanks for an example butt-pirate

81- Because everyone needed to know that. Thank you so very much for sharing.

how could she forgot the day you were pushed out lol op

bfflrhea 0
KiddNYC1O 20

I'm certain she was joking and playing along...

At least she said happy birthday, whether it really was or not. Imagine you done all that and got nothing?

bbailey19 3

I think you're missing the point.

BustaCapInYoAss 5

Yea your mom was confused, i guess since you put it was your birthday, she didn't want you to think she forgot. But she did. Fyl

you should just delete your facebook in a fit of rage, that will show them.

YDI get a life lol and FYl 9/10 times when people say HB they had no idea it was your birthday till FB said so

true. but usually that rare 1/10 IS a mom.