By Noname - 14/03/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I checked my Facebook to find I had been tagged in a bunch of photos from a party I had attended last night. On each picture I had a comment from my mom saying, "You're grounded." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 041
You deserved it 82 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shallowsmile 0

this is why you DON'T accept friend requests from your parents.

_Elizabeth_ 0

Hahahahaha. What's up with parents having facebooks???


This is where you exercise common sense and ask yourself if you really want pictures of yourself drinking and/or smoking weed up on the internet for everyone to see (such as potential employers). Even if you have a limited profile, a diligent person can usually find a way to look at your party pictures.

yo man get your mother of facebook hahaha. or stop taking pictures of you stoned at parties

evanwilliams 4

#31, you must spend a lot of time creeping on facebook

iammeanttolive 0

You'd think your friends would actually have a brain, and know not to post this shit on the internet. Or maybe you shouldn't let pictures be taken all together, and avoid the whole situation.

lol.. the downside of social networking!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!

skladek 0

Hahaha, awesome! Privacy settings work to an extent, but I find the best method is to not get into situations that you wouldn't want the world to see. Or, the day after a party, you better be on FB all day long to be there to untag yourself from any unapproved photos. I think staying out of trouble is the easier solution. You could also use this as an opportunity to show your mom that everyone really IS getting into the same trouble (assuming drinking). Show her some of your friends' profiles and show her pictures of them shitfaced. At the very least, you might all get grounded together hahaha. Techy Parenting Win!

graciegirl 0

I feel your pain. My mom has a facebook too, and i know she would be suspicious if i rejected her friend request. Just do what i do and frequently complain to your friends about your mom having a facebook, and they won't post those pictures of you if they're nice.

What exactly were you doing in the photos that got you grounded?