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By TheFriskyBadger - 12/07/2016 23:57

Today, a customer complained that her salad had "too much lettuce." Her bowl was less than half-filled with lettuce and the rest was cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 260
You deserved it 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She needed more room for her cheese, obviously.

I definitely don't miss working in the restaurant business, the whole "the customer is always right" thing would drive me crazy especially in times like that..hopefully she doesn't complain there's too much cheese next. Good luck OP!


Common sense is not common my friend.

She needed more room for her cheese, obviously.

I definitely don't miss working in the restaurant business, the whole "the customer is always right" thing would drive me crazy especially in times like that..hopefully she doesn't complain there's too much cheese next. Good luck OP!

Common sense is really not that common. And for that, lettuce congratulate the small percent of which who have it.

Your customer really needs to pick up a dictionary (or alternatively a cookbook).

preferably a low-cal one, if she's complaining about too much lettuce

What?! You put lettuce in a salad?! I've been putting different cheeses in a bowl and eating them this whole time!

species4872 19

You should have told her the lettuce was the yellow one.

Perhaps she already thought the yellow one was the lettuce.

That's the best kind of salad, a crap load of cheese and dressing

I don't see the problem here. YDI for even serving salad.