By Anonymous - 29/12/2012 23:17 - United States

Today, I checked my sister's diary, because I was worried about her recent angry and withdrawn behavior. She caught me in the act, and my mom, whom I've caught blatantly snooping through my stuff multiple times now, grounded me for my "disgusting" violation of my sister's privacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 098
You deserved it 37 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

Diaries are meant to be private. I'd agree with your mom. Regardless of what she did, you shouldn't have done that.

Me and my sister look out for each other. I have bipolar. When I'm suicidal, talking to me won't get anyone answers. Well wouldn't have when I was younger, pre treatment. If she did that to me, I would have been angry at the time but thankful later, knowing she cared enough. Siblings often know more about each other then the parents do. Sometimes you have to go with your gut. And while snooping seems low, sometimes, depending on the person it really is the only way to know if something is truly wrong and if the parents should be brought into it. This world is not black and white only. There are gray areas that turn a never into an understandable action.


Mommy did it, so why can't I?! Then you sucked your dad's dick

Moms have a right to snoop if their child is closed off, as a sister you should just talk to her

I think the diary reading was because OP's sister wouldn't tell her what was wrong. FYL because your mom is clearly a hypocrite.