By Nudge23 - 26/09/2011 07:26 - Australia

Today, I cleared out the messages in my voicemail. Of the 50+ messages, most were from my mother wanting to know when I'd be home. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 822
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Caller ID: Allowing people to ignore Mom's calls since 1987.


HanaFML 10

So your momma cares about you. Nothing to be mad about!

Same thing from my mom, only I'm 18.

Send her a letter: "Mom, I killed a man. Put a gun up to his head and pulled the trigger. He's dead now. I didn't mean to make you cry. I might be back this time tomorrow, but if I'm not, carry on as usual"

Karan0217 6

Come on, she still treats you like your little she really loves you and cares for you, just let it go on.

Ninjerman 7

Welcome to adulthood! How are you holding up now?