By Nudge23 - 26/09/2011 07:26 - Australia

Today, I cleared out the messages in my voicemail. Of the 50+ messages, most were from my mother wanting to know when I'd be home. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 822
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Caller ID: Allowing people to ignore Mom's calls since 1987.


Wow I don't know what sadder, the fact that u still live with ur mom at 27 or that 2600+ people don't think u deserve it

wriptidez 0

she is lonely? tell her ur too old to be controlled

jellenwood 35

I've got a mother just like that. I'm 28. It's super annoying. I'll be home when I get home!

radioedit 7

Y are u 27 and still living at home?

If you are too old for her to call & ask when you will be home, then why don't you move the hell out?

Join a to socialize with several people.

daydreamer244 13

be sure to bring some milk when you go back home.

erose25 0

I completely know where u r comin from. I can't be gone longer than an hr and my moms callin. Lmao