By Nudge23 - 26/09/2011 07:26 - Australia

Today, I cleared out the messages in my voicemail. Of the 50+ messages, most were from my mother wanting to know when I'd be home. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 822
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Caller ID: Allowing people to ignore Mom's calls since 1987.


JinxosGirl87 0

Get off the stripper pole and call your mom once in a while :P

So, at what time did you go home? Was she mad?

littlesunshine_fml 9

that's very cute..and kind.. just think..if there was no one to call you..? even if you are 27 you still are a kid ....for her

katecst 3

Ummmm....if your 27 and still living at home, you totally deserved that one...

lulzmylife 4

To everyone saying "just move out lol" or "why are you still living at home at 27, you loser?" I have one thing to say: screw you. Lots of people are unwillingly stuck living with their parents due to the crappy economy. Anyone here actually turned on the news or looked at a newspaper lately? The job market is in the toilet and a lot of people can't find work to save their lives. And--this is pretty hard to believe, so brace yourselves--it's hard to pay rent on your own place if you don't have a job. Automatically assuming that someone in their 20s who still lives at home is lazy or irresponsible is naive, judgmental, and narrow-minded. And yes, I am 26 and still live with my parents, and yes, I would give my left arm to move out. But I can't, because no one will hire me despite my summa cum laude bachelor's degree that I busted my ass to earn. So everyone can just feel free to STFU and jump right off your high horses.

jellenwood 35

I so agree with you! You took the words right out of my mouth! I got a divorce and was stuck making a mortgage payment on a house we can't sell because of the economy. So I rented out the house and moved in with mom until that house is sold.

BCenobit3 3

A true example of an overbearing mother

NatalieXxVanity 8

Did anyone think that maybe she was waiting at OP's house waiting for them to get to their own house? LOL. Idk. either way, doesnt matter if they live with their parents, my friends live with their parents to save for a house :) Some people do it.

KellyIsTheBest32 12

I you're 27 and still living with your mom, then YDI. she has every right to ask you where you are if you live with her.

I've got mixed opinions on this one. First of all, your life is f***ed because your mom left you the majority of your messages? Real life will bite you in the butt if that's your biggest problem. Now, as for the people talking about others living at home? Again, like it's been said several times, it's not easy to just move out. I know, I'm still living at home because I get 10 hours a week at my job, if I'm lucky. I can't pay rent on that, but on one else will hire me in this stupid economy. I'm glad so many people have good jobs and job security, but most of us don't. Karma will bite you all in the butt! Several of my classmates, who graduated with me five years ago, have moved out and are now back in town because they can't make it on their own. What really makes me mad is when the jerk people are the ones with the good, big jobs, and the nice people like me who work their butt off (and have college degrees) can't get anything. It's sickening!

Have you tried looking for another job? Where do you even work? I have more hours than you in just 2 days of work at a grocery store...

^ this. Also, it's depressing how many people either disregard the possibility, or simply haven't imagined their elderly parent needing them when the time comes; requiring day-to-day care because they can't entirely take care of themselves. To those who finding any fault with living at home as an adult, beyond putting untenable financial strain on your parents, you've got vanity issues and a few western familial-social constructs to overcome; reality doesn't give a *sh!t* about how cool you look. I can promise the majority of people with real responsibilities and obligations don't either.

cuddlebunny3548 11

Are you outta the house yet or what?