By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee

Today, I collected my students' notes in class to check them. One girl, who is always drawing weird anime crap in her sketchbook, turned in just one piece of paper that read, "FUCK YOUR CLASS." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 710
You deserved it 23 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as a teacher shouldn't be doing this, it makes perfect blackmail!

AphyTheBronette 15

Mrs Crabby cakes it's not " weird anime crap" it's technically a form of art. Maybe the girl will grow up to be a great manga artist. Instead try this new concept encourage your students, even if it's outside your comfort zone on traditional art. Oh and talk with her parents she's obviously got anger issues.


Anime isn't weird or crap and it's a shame you don't understand art when you see it...

weeabaka 6

14- Well, computer games, energy drinks, and people who say "MYAHH" on their profiles are also crap. Grow up, man.

Well maybe now you dont have to worry about her drawing anime? Maybe a nice little letter instead

RobinKCS 9

If you're going to insult her, prepare yourself for a returned rude comment. Ever heard of the golden rule?

uhnevermind 24

She doesn't deserve it for not liking anime's style. Hell, for all we know, the girl draws tentacle **** in class. FYL, OP, but it's only one student. Besides, this generation is crap anyway.

SakeGurl 9

Your wording suggests your highly judgmental, of course children or teens, are going to be defiant. While she may have taken it a bit far, it's understandable. However I you're the type of adult who believes students should just hand over their respect to you, well respect in my eyes is earned. I'll never respect those of my teachers who do not give it to me. Calling someone's art work 'weird crap' isn't respectful in the least. Maybe art's all she has? Quite being a judgmental bitch and perhaps she'd enjoy your class?

redhedsaysrawr 18

Huh... I live in Georgia. I'm going to laugh if you teach at my school, in fact I'm an officer in my anime club... Please don't be so judgmental, we all have our own likes and dislikes, and anime isn't crap its actually something a lot of people love and have a great passion for.

hinamori_amu 4

Maybe you should stop being such a dick then. Instead of insulting childrens drawings. And it's MANGA not anime BTW

Actually no, manga is the comic base that anime is created from. But the characters itself and the style of drawing is called anime.

Coming from someone who is an artist, and yes I drew A LOT of anime throughout my school years, this is complete BS. First off you took away HER sketchbook. Unless you are an arts teacher you have no right to do that. It's not harming anyone, especially if she has finished her work. And if you are an art teacher, which I highly doubt, you shouldn't be so rude and judgmental about her work. School is boring, some people have to do stuff that distract us. As long as she's getting the work done then don't complain. I drew in almost every one of my classes and my teachers didn't care. Stop being such a bitch. YDI

It's highly possible it was her notebook. I used to draw in class a lot when I was younger, not all of us bother getting a sketchbook.

If you read she flat out says "sketchbook" not "notebook".

If you read it, 225, you'd know it said nothing about OP taking her sketchbook. OP said she took their notes. I highly doubt the student let notes anywhere near her sketchbook. And sorry, but being an artist isn't an excuse for treating her teacher like that. You may have drawn in every one of your classes, but did you ever not do any work and instead told the teacher "**** your class"? Probably not. Drawing anime is no excuse for being a bitch. The girl will will realize this soon enough.

DoubleR_Anna 4

Who said the girl never did her work?While I agree that she shouldn't have wrote that, as some one who has had teachers look down on my interests and as a student, you pick up on the negative feelings really fast.For the girl to have wrote that, the teacher had to have voiced her opinions negatively

FarscapeSDC 9

I would have been sympathetic, had you not written "Weird Anime crap." If you had left it at "Always drawing Anime" I might have agreed.