By DrakeScott - 02/11/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, I completed the arduous, nearly hour-long process of answering the eHarmony dating questionnaire, only to be told my answers were too "unique" for them to match me with anyone. I had chosen "the world" as my distance range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 994
You deserved it 5 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol thats better than the girl who was paired with her brother lol


RoxxyHustle 7

That's probably the best possible answer you could have gotten. I'm sorry you wasted an hour of your time OP, but stay unique. F eHarmony anyways :-)

harbqll 0

You do realize that's just their polite way of saying you're an asshole?

adamcichuttek 2

There's nobody out there for you then either.

Dont be mean, There is someone out there for everybody... Sometimes you need a few ones... Or just your own hand... Or a simple mirror :)

You're not alone OP... the same thing happened to me a few months ago except I was rejected by FML as well.

Try the universe if the solar system doesnt come up with anything

Awe don't worry about it too much, you'll find true love one day soon. :) stay positive! :D

That happened to my mum, and she's a nut case. What does that say about you?

Way to be a jerk. If I were you I wouldn't be bragging about my nut job of a mother, I mean; what dose that say about you?

If it makes you feel better, my prof was telling me about a guy he knew. He signed up on eharmony, and another one. All 3 gave him his money back and told him he was unmatchable.

bizarre_ftw 21

Could be worse, you could be on the other end of the spectrum! Right now you're perfect for a crazy (in the good sense) over the top, out of this universe person that can't handle or be happy with anyone that is less than "too unique" be happy :) at the VERY least you're not boring, so therefore worth a damn in my book

You should be happy!! You are an individual!! You have clearly chosen not to conform to society's paradoxal ways!! Congrats :) (no sarcasm intended)

bizarre_ftw 21

Though may I just say: is it just me or does anyone else find the fact that individuality and uniqueness is slowly becoming too advanced for people on a whole? Because personally, I just see this a proof that we as a human race are declining in intelligence and therefore everything else

bizarre_ftw 21

At this rate a caveman could beat your average Joe in an intelligence and common sense test

Totally agree, I actually posted something similar on my Facebook. Needless to say my religious family compared me to hitler.....

No actually we're getting smarter. The average IQ of an American has been steadily increasing over the past few generations. This means that I have a higher IQ than my grandparents had and it's likely that my grandson will have a higher IQ than I had. As for the decline of "individuality" and "uniqueness", I wholeheartedly disagree. A century ago, everyone emulated the white man and women, blacks, asians, etc were suppressed. Today, you are much freer to be who you want to be. People have even become more accepting of transvestites.

bizarre_ftw 21

The world on a whole knows more, but people on a whole act like they know less on a day to day basis. At least it seems that way, maybe back when the divide between knowledgable and "not so much" was more defined the existence of intelligence was more obvious, and now - with more people knowing more - intelligence has become common place and so there is a false sense of lacking it compared to ages past. All the same, it Feels like we've dumbed down

No we are increasing in intelligence, but showing even greater ignorance to being a true individual.