By DrakeScott - 02/11/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, I completed the arduous, nearly hour-long process of answering the eHarmony dating questionnaire, only to be told my answers were too "unique" for them to match me with anyone. I had chosen "the world" as my distance range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 994
You deserved it 5 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol thats better than the girl who was paired with her brother lol


DDbaconcrazy 1

Only creepers don't get a matc- oh.

That will be a hilarious story to tell your cats someday.

Wow, I wish I could see your answers. This IS truly unique.

did you put anything other than christian as your religion? if so eHarmoney will reject you, it is a christianist site.

That happened to my wife! I think it's awesome that you don't fit into a box. (We didn't meet on eHarmony.)

Queen_of_Night 20

Actually it will tell you that if you are under 21. Happened to me when I first joined then came back to find out I'm not so "unique" after all.

eHarmony told me I had no matches either. I had been single for most of my life, and I was 18 before I got my first boyfriend (and it wasn't a serious relationship, it was more a "See you at school tomorrow!" relationship). A month or so later, on my FIRST day in college, I met a very attractive, friendly, kind and caring man on the campus hiking trail. That was four years ago. We're still together. Long story short: Screw dating sites. Any relationship started through impersonal means, in my opinion, is doomed to failure. You can't know if someone you're chatting with online is "the one", especially since a large portion of attraction is based on scent. With my guy, though, I knew from the moment I met him that there was something about him I couldn't get over. You'll find someone. :)