By jordeshting - 22/06/2011 15:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I complimented a girl on her stockings pattern. Turns out she wasn't wearing stockings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 706
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Your stockings pattern is quite intriguing young lassie.


I'm thinking it's a skin graft from extensive burns and the skin has tightened. It probably has a pattern from the way it's flattened out after being harvested half thickness.

xxMichaxx 0
judices 0

Wat kind of legs does she have

she has the legs of the chameleon. be careful Predator, there's a new sheriff in town

wtf how could that happen :p haha but yeah, FYL. At least you were trying to be nice !

RockAndRollKiddx 0
pandabeargirl89 0

I didn't know stocking patterns were something you complimented people on..

Magic1 9

Hahaha that's sounds rude if I'm interpreting it right, but kinda funny

sydneymwfca 10

maybe her legs were really gross. lol.

LOL @ shutupK. and 60 nice self description. I see u forget to mention intelligence.

Bruno_Mars_Fan 0

60 seems too "into" herself.

sabrinahusic 0

67 and 101 are two inbred ignorant pricks. So 67 why did you do so much touching up on your face? hmmm? too many zits? I swear people piss me off!!