By Catherine - 10/06/2012 18:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I confronted my husband over the fact that despite me working two jobs to support us for the last three years, we're nowhere near our goal of buying a house. He actually had the brass balls to defend pissing my money down the drain on his ceramic cat collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 702
You deserved it 5 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darien987 1

Because he's not manly enough to have balls of steel.


If your husband is collecting ceramic cats, I would worry less about the new house and more about his boyfriend your still unaware of.

day624 14
kittycat2007 18

Look op. Its not "your" money, it stopped being yours when you got married. Its "our" money. But from the sound of it, it is "your" dream to own a house, cause if it was his too he'd work harder.

It sure seems that owning a ceramic cat collection is a dream they both have... Anyway, I didn't know that once you get married, the two personnalities have to fusion and there's only one being, the married couple, left. No more individual will, interest or wish. Of course, for big decisions, or big spendings, they have to agree on it, and it's true that the husband doesn't sound that enthousiastic.

My parents money is separate. My mom does the groceries, phone, Internet, and television bills. My dad does taxes and all the other bills we have. They both have their own paying jobs, so they both have their own money.

Are you sure you aren't your husband beard and he is really a lazy closeted gay man who likes cats?

redneck45x 2

Hopefully you'll use it as an insult. Brass is a soft alloy or metal, Whatever you prefer to call it.

You did marry that weird cat lover. You knew what you were getting into.

So true, wiccanbeauty. I had no idea my husband was the type of guy who would put us in debt to buy un-resellable sports memorabilia and 500 t-shirts (all for the same sports team) until we were married. Now I'm stuck because it would actually cost me more money to divorce him than to try to get us out of the hole he dug. Learn from my mistake people. If you marry someone and they start to blow all the money on crap, cut your losses and run. I thought I'd be able to talk him out of this obsession and right the ship but every time I asked him to curb his spending, he went on a big spree to spite me for having the nerve to question the 175th T-shirt or ANOTHER autographed helmet and plunged us further down the hole. You cannot talk these people out of spending all of their money (and yours) on garbage. They don't see themselves as having any problem other than having a spouse who isn't on board with their 'fun.' When we got married we had so much money all we had to do was maintain in order to have a comfortable retirement. Now I will be working until the day I die and I still won't have pulled us out. I worked my life away to pay for a house full of shirts and helmets to satisfy someone else's obsession. Don't be me. RUN.

wtbk1 3

Wow that sucks maybe you should tell him to get off his ass and get a job!

What I dont and never will understand is why the hell would you marry someone who Is 1.unemployed and 2. collects ceramic cats of all things

Because 1) some people aren't in it for the money and 2) some people love their partner despite their flaws or weird quirks.