By Anonymous - 16/02/2015 03:25 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By dazedandconfused - 25/06/2009 22:29 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 17:31 - Sweden - Karlskrona
By Mc2013 - 12/10/2014 17:38 - United States
By akiza - 17/11/2012 02:00 - Japan
By Anonymous - 27/07/2018 08:00 - United States - Macon
By deeenalynn - 18/07/2011 16:22 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 14:07 - Canada
Get on with it
By Anonymous - 04/07/2023 03:00 - Belgium - Eupen
By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States
By eeeee - 14/06/2012 20:40 - United States
Top comments
Unsalted saltine crackers will become your best friend. Keep a pack in your purse for when your tummy gets upset. Or if the morning sickness stays really bad, there is dr. Prescribed pills that can help:) good luck and congrats!
I learn so much about how to maintain my crazy female body from this site.
Also ginger tablets :)
Prescribed is definitely a life saver if OP is anything like how I was the first few months of my pregnancy. I couldn't keep anything down. I highly recommend asking your doctor about Diclegis. It was the only nausea medication that made me feel normal
Wait.. so a police officer tried to do a breath test on a pregnant woman?? I'd say that's a weird situation...xD
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a thing.
#17: Of which I am a living example of and definitely not proud.
I was breath tested when I was about 7 months pregnant. The police officer said "that's no excuse". I don't know who in their right mind would drink while pregnant!
@25 you would be surprised, sadly. Can't count how many times I've been out at a bar and went outside to smoke only to see an obviously pregnant lady outside smoking with a beer in hand..
I thought the same thing #2. but I guess it's probably a good thing that they still test pregnant women. catch it early and get social services involved.
You would be surprised.
How is that weird? People also aren't supposed to drink while driving but there's a reason we have RBTs
I am also a victim of fas all six of my mothers kids are we were also all born addicted to cocaine
Hopefully he will understand! Good luck on the kid!
Why did this get downvoted?
That's one way to get out of an RBT!
...And that has a button.
You know you have the right to refuse a breath test, right? They can't force you to do it.
I'm sure she had no intent on throwing up. It's very possible she felt fine until halfway through the test.
I hope you're joking. Refusing a breathalyzer or field sobriety test is an automatic loss of license for a year nearly everywhere, and usually includes getting points on your license (also a huge fine in Australia.) This is called the "implied consent law" that you agree to when you first receive your license.
Actually #14 your wrong. You can refuse a random breathalyzer test as they do not have any cause for suspicion and can't legally force you to do it under these circumstances. You can go through dui checkpoints etc without being checked if you know the laws and how to deal with the power hungry cops(most cops are good but some have issues that need to be addressed) . The only time they can legally require you to be tested if they have cause for suspicion such as you swerving all over the road and even then you can refuse but the penalty is 2x worse than a dui.
14 must be talking about Aussie laws (cause he mentioned that and OP is an Aussie). In America we like to give drunk drivers the benefit of the doubt. So technically you're both right.
In New York, refusing breathalyzer tests will result in suspension or revocation of your drivers license. It also adds around 5 points and can lead to a fine of up to $10,000. You have no such right to refuse.
#7 & #16 in queensland, no, you cannot refuse a RBT as they can then charge you for failing to provide, & that charge can be more than a drink driving charge. plus other consequences. best to just participate in the RBT in australia.
In Britain, a refusal to provide a breath sample is classed the same as failing the breath test and is punished accordingly. That said I believe you can ask for a blood or urine sample to be taken instead - though that might just be for if you blow positive. Either way, she shouldn't refuse to give a sample - I can't think why blowing into a tube would make a pregnant lady throw up. It's not something she or the officer could have foreseen. On the positive side op - it's most probably not the first time the officers had to deal with people throwing up!
In Georgia, refusing a breathalyzer test is an automatic 1 year suspension of your licence. And I believe it adds 3 points to your record (don't hold me to this because I could be wrong. I'm not a driver yet but I recently took an alcohol and drug awareness program [ADAP] course for my licence and this topic was brought up)
There must be an alternative for people with asthma and such.
Urine sample? So they are literally taking piss out of you?...
I don't believe they forcibly extract it from you :)
Where I live in the USA, you can away with refusing the breathalyzer. Of course, you'll get taken back to the station, possibly have to do a field sobriety test, and taken to a hospital for blood or urine testing. (if you're a minor for alcohol that is suspected of drinking then you are automatically penalized for drinking, and may have consequences from your high school or college even after you pass a breathalyzer, urine, or blood test that proves you weren't drinking)
Where I live, if you refuse a breathalyzer test or any of the sobriety tests it's an instant arrest.
Wtf are you talking about, it's like with searching your vehicle, you can deny unless they have a warrant, try it. You can deny as long as you have nothing to hide. My husband and I were on a trip to Colorado to see his grandparents and we got pulled over because we had expired tags(also they normally profile us, we drive a 1987 corvette) and they wanted to breathalize him and he said no, they didn't do anything
I can't imagine how embarrassed I'd be if I threw up on someone, but I'm sure your kid will think it's a hilarious story when s/he is older.
I agree with you moments like this are great to reminisce on op.
Just wait until your kid may throw up on a cop down the road. Congrats on your expected baby...

Unsalted saltine crackers will become your best friend. Keep a pack in your purse for when your tummy gets upset. Or if the morning sickness stays really bad, there is dr. Prescribed pills that can help:) good luck and congrats!
I can't imagine how embarrassed I'd be if I threw up on someone, but I'm sure your kid will think it's a hilarious story when s/he is older.