By laywer_man - 07/03/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I couldn't answer almost any of the questions in the game "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?" I'm a 40 year old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 021
You deserved it 51 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

The questions on that show don't indicate intelligence. Almost all of the things they ask are about pointless knowledge that nobody truly learns in school. What they test people with is as pointless as a crossword puzzles. Remember, there's a difference between being smart and knowing things.

That show is SO beyond 5th grade. I was watching an episode my junior year of high school, and they asked a question that I had learned less than two weeks prior. And of course the fake 5th grader knew it. Bullshit!


With grammar like that I'd be surprised if you could even make it out of 5th grade.

LadyRedgraveDMC 0

That's okay. I'm two years out of high school and I can't answer most of the questions. And I never learned any of that in fifth grade, but throughout middle school and high school.

XavierIser 0

This game is designed to challenge the adults since they haven't needed to know some of the stuff on the show for many years.

holynemesis1208 3

it isnt that hard to believe your grammar is horrible.

ianbennett123 0

You spelt isn't wrong. It should have an apostrophi between "n" and "t" (Sorry for my spelling of apostrophi. I havn't had to spell it in years.)

WTSchool 0

You spelled 'haven't' wrong. there's an 'e' in there. Nice.

hey don't worry about that! =) This game is about questions that most of people forgot the answer....We don't use that kind of information frequently.

Entity4Infinity 0

its true.... ive watched that show... im in high school.. some of those questions are stuff I recently learned or refreshed memory on. They are not 5th grade questions at all. I didnt learn presidents in 5th grade except maybe the occasional Thomas Edison or who ever but high school american history is basically it. That show is not correctly aged if that makes any sense but you know what i mean.

lol, good old president Edison.... fail!

Double fail for the FML-submission typo!! To funny [sic].

mariposa93 0

I agree with #16. Also, that game is way more entertaining if you're drunk.