By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 22:49 - United States

Today, I couldn't contain my laughter when a patient told me she'd named her unborn daughter Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 248
You deserved it 5 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

What is wrong with parents nowadays?! Do they hate their kids? There was a mother who was on the news because she named her child "Facebook Me Soon".. WTF?!?!

Heard people would name their kids things like Sparta so that they could introduce them like this: 'THIS, IS, SPARTA!' Gotta admit, it's kind of funny.


upgradestorm1 20

I know a girl named Ladashla. Spelled La-La.

Some people try way too hard to be unique about their kids' names.

I dated a girl like that, but she loved the bunny from Bambi, so she wanted to name it thumper

I went to high school with a kid named Austin Powers (legal name, spelled the same way and everything).