By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 22:49 - United States

Today, I couldn't contain my laughter when a patient told me she'd named her unborn daughter Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 248
You deserved it 5 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

What is wrong with parents nowadays?! Do they hate their kids? There was a mother who was on the news because she named her child "Facebook Me Soon".. WTF?!?!

Heard people would name their kids things like Sparta so that they could introduce them like this: 'THIS, IS, SPARTA!' Gotta admit, it's kind of funny.


when you say unborn do you mean she was still pregnant or the baby died?

Wasn't there a child off the movie Americus with that name??

#392- The movie was actually called "Where the Heart Is" and the little girls name was Americus, her mom was Novalee. Novalee's friend Lexi had the 4 kids with the funky names. Brownie, Praline, Cherry, and Baby Ruth. (The one guy said he did't know if it was Pez or Twinkie calling as a joke because of the fact she named her kids after snack foods ) lol

Bekeliyr 10

You think that's insane? My friends name is Michael Jordan haha.

I have a cousin named Pi, but it's the actual Pi symbol...mathematicians these days

There is a family that just moved to our town and the oldest daughter is named Chlamydia! Poor sweet girl doesn't have a chance in our high school. I guess in the country she came from its considered a pretty name

Someone tried to name their child the same as a sort of bush with flowers ob, luckily, it wasn't approvee.

i used to go to high school with some kid named lone wolf. i also have a friend who named her son Lucas Sky Walker, so that his name is Luke Sky Walker. Haha

day_dreamer23 8

first someone names their kid Facebook, then that that druggie from Wisconsin changes his name to, "Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop", now this? Woow

MKerr95 0