By CallMeJesusFreak - 23/06/2011 23:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
Kid A
By Anonymous - 31/12/2021 14:01
By Shelbs - 05/11/2011 23:35 - United States
By wimp - 15/08/2009 17:06 - United States
By Swaby - 01/03/2009 08:14 - Hong Kong
By Stupid - 01/03/2018 15:00
People's mad beliefs
By Anonymous - 25/04/2022 08:00 - Australia
By beya - 31/08/2009 22:05 - Canada
By Core5555 - 18/12/2016 05:54 - United States
Free healthcare, please?
By Anonymous - 11/01/2023 22:00
By DrugsRX - 17/10/2012 22:58 - United States - Winder
Top comments
this isn't a real FML. go away.
Medical misinformation bothers me since I find I have to spend at least a quarter of the valuable time I get with patients clearing up misconceptions. I want to clear up some misunderstandings about the chicken pox vaccine before they get too overblown. 1) It's an extremely safe vaccine- it can have side effects (what doesn't in medicine?), but they're extremely rare. 2) Getting the vaccine after you already had the chicken pox is fine (there are no negative effects like #20 mentioned) 3) The child's school would require a titer, not a blood test, and you can easily get titers for free (with health insurance) or for $15-$20 at most clinics/hospitals.
Exactly! Thank you.
go for the varicella titer!
oh so ur one of those ppl OP...
One of those people who doesn't see the point in giving their child a shot he doesn't need? Those shots can make you contagious for a month, give you fever and all sorts. If the kids hasn't had chickenpox you should get the shot! Why would you risk making your child even a tiny bit ill for no reason? The shot is not needed in this case so why give it?
can you read?
varicella isnt a dangerous shot... everyone gets it
71- I've never had Varicella. First time I've heard of it was today, actually.
I misread this too.. He has already had pox but OP can't prove it and the school won't let him start without proof he's immune.
sounds like a great school!
School, Y U NO LISTEN?