By CallMeJesusFreak - 23/06/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I couldn't prove my son has had chickenpox, so his school gave us the option of getting a potentially dangerous shot he didn't need, pay for an expensive blood test to show that he previously had the virus, or sign a waiver stating I'm a religious nut refusing medical treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 008
You deserved it 7 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JokeMeister 0

a picture was worth a thousand....... dollars

cmfloyd 0

the shot is not dangerous. it's crazy people like you, that don't properly immunize their children, as to why there are almost eradicated strains of illnesses coming back!

You're not allowed to go to school until you have had chicken pox? That's where me and my brother and everyone I knew caught it... Since when have you had to have it before you can go?

You have to be vaccinated against it if you haven't already had chickenpox for a lot of US schools now to prevent massive outbreaks of it

convictconnie 0

most insurances will cover the blood works

daxter136 0

schools are stupid like that

personnnn 3

Actually I had to do the same because I also go to school in Cali. They want everybody to update vaccinations for no apparent reason and everyone i know including me is running around trying to finish our stuff... :/ it's hella lame.

Actually that shot (the vaccination against chicken pox) is about as potentially dangerous as all the other vaccinations out there. If you're that scared of vaccinations, then go with the "religious nut" paper.

Cammicane 3

Vaccines may not cause autism, but they have been linked to GB and other disorders. I think vaccinating against non-lethal illnesses should be a personal choice, not a requirement.

I signed off as a religious nut. I chose not to have my son get the mmr vaccine.