By HappyGirl - 28/10/2008 15:57 - France

By HappyGirl - 28/10/2008 15:57 - France
By nerd_man01 - 10/07/2009 19:20 - United States
By epistaxis - 29/01/2009 02:31 - Australia
By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 04:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/08/2019 17:04 - Canada - Ottawa
By aces10 - 25/01/2009 13:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 07:14 - United States
By ShardsOfShame - 26/08/2022 10:00 - United States
By NVP - 18/01/2009 14:30 - United States
By facepalming all the way - 19/07/2015 06:02 - United States - Colorado Springs
By Anonymous - 13/08/2013 16:51 - Canada - Galt
good emus nicely impregnate ugly snails
actually that would be: golf echo november india uniform sierra in the phonetic alphabet
When a kid knows more than you.
Actually, the phonetic alphabet is technically the NATO phonetic alphabet, since it was developed by NATO
That's how I read it too, lol
Did you two have sex? Thats totally how you worded
Comment Moderated.
thats just funny, but does it beat a friends lil sister telling you how to have sex, she is 8 and she started screaming sex on the beech
Does this imply that you didn't know how babies are made at 15? Even if you don't have sex ed in your schools (which seems unlikely), surely you would have picked it up somewhere?
I don't have sex Ed in my schools but like who the hell actually learns about sex for the first time in sex Ed? You just pick things up.
... Did you really have to word it like that?! It sounds like you performed incest with your little brother! Or did you seriously o.0
lima oscar sierra echo romeo
actually that would be: golf echo november india uniform sierra in the phonetic alphabet