By greeple - 10/09/2012 16:19 - Singapore

Today, I decided to clean my face of unwanted visitors, and spent my shower popping the pimples on my cheeks. Twenty minutes later, I remembered that I was showering ahead of a date with my girlfriend. My cheeks now look like the crater-filled surface of Mars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 761
You deserved it 12 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kind of horrible.. That leads kids to feeling insecure which then leads to suicide. Quire ironic considering today is Suicide Awareness Day..


littlemsweirdo 12

Acne is a huge self esteem dropper. It happens to everyone. Some worse than others. Dont be a bitch about it!

RealTalk0 7

Why couldn't you use a better example? Such as..The moon? And, sorry to say, but you obviously deserved it for forgetting the date.

BunchieRules 31

Mars is more descriptive. From Valles Marinerus to Olympus Mons, it's a much better comparison than simply, the Moon.

RealTalk0 7

Yeah that would make a little more sense. Good point, good point...

It's just going to end up scarring. Just get good acne cream, and give it time. That kinda sucks though. I'm sorry

Just laugh it off and wear a paper bag!

Eirena 5

The worst thing you could possibly do is aggravate them. The Internet is your friend. While a lot of the suggestions you'll find might be baloney, almost all of them will warn you against popping them. YDI.

She's already your girlfriend. I'm sure she will understand.

OP, I bet you had acne when she accepted your date. Everyone has had pre-date appearance malfunctions. Focus on her, not your face, and enjoy the date.