By missgayle319 - 15/03/2012 07:53 - United States

 Today, I decided to finally try out the veggie slicer I bought a few months ago to make healthy homemade potato chips. Along with the sliced potatoes, I am now missing about a quarter inch chunk of skin from the side of my hand and quite a bit of blood. At least the chips were good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 285
You deserved it 13 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand you're trying to lose weight, but lopping off a bit of your hand is NOT part of the DocBastard Healthy Weight Loss Plan.


JCal585 8

Potatoes aren't vegetables and they aren't healthy. That's your first mistake!

wow....that sucks for you, definitely FYL. I ended up almost cutting my thumb off once while slicing potatoes, my advice for the future is to wear thick gardening gloves and be very very careful!

My husband did the same about 2 weeks ago. He is now missing part of his thumb. And the chips were not good ...