By missgayle319 - 15/03/2012 07:53 - United States

 Today, I decided to finally try out the veggie slicer I bought a few months ago to make healthy homemade potato chips. Along with the sliced potatoes, I am now missing about a quarter inch chunk of skin from the side of my hand and quite a bit of blood. At least the chips were good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 285
You deserved it 13 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand you're trying to lose weight, but lopping off a bit of your hand is NOT part of the DocBastard Healthy Weight Loss Plan.


This makes me cringe. You should invest in a mandolin with a hand guard that holds whatever you're slicing. Otherwise, you'll be eating finger chips.

skatergrl26 9

I completely understand. I'm in cooking school and the mandolins are something to be very cautious. One slip of the hand and you could suffer serious injuries.

I wonder how the ACF approved of inventions like this. Money talks

There is a reason the come with guards. Mandolins are very very sharp. A 4th year competition student sliced his finger tip off on one of those because he forgot to use the guard.

myalleyway 9

its the junk food telling you to spend more money on it

crazyblackchick 0

OP: My god.....I taste DELICIOUS!!!

reebokkid123 14