By zappy - 11/10/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I decided to see if electric dog collars work on human necks. They do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 722
You deserved it 119 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course they work on human necks. And YDI for using a shock-collar. That's ******* cruel, now you know what your dog feels lik

Wait, OP. You mean to tell me that humans are capable of sustaining a current of electricity?! MADNESS.


YDI for getting something that harms poor animals.

Don't taze me bro! By the way, FYL for being that stupid. I can't imagine how hard life is with such a low IQ. Next time, you should test a stun gun out on a mountain lion. I wonder if it can distinguish between human flesh and fur. You dumb ****.

chlorinegreen 27

I made my brother do that once! When we were little he danced all over the yard while the collar was shocking him at the time i laughed because we were little.. heck i would still probably laugh!! But doing it myself? lol

jessimafur 0

It's amazing, I bet half of the FML's on here aren't even as good as the ones that are denied. Yet you managed to put this crap on here. Of course they work on humans you moron.

Darkcloud_fml 0

Are you an idiot? Exactly what type of non-existant technology do you think it has that would make its electric shocks selective to only canines. Maybe this experience will shock a little more common sense into you. Y SOOOO DI