By idgit42 - 27/07/2010 22:15 - United States

Today, I didn't realize until I was home that I'd thrown my retainer away with my tray at Chick-fil-A. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 745
You deserved it 30 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

What is this OP, a rap? The last part of the FML ryhmes.

I've been without braces for several years and I quit wearing my retainers like I was supposed to and my teeth are fine.


sidekick6 0

throw my retainer away, with my tray at chick fil a. haha. that rhymes.

My BFF's cleaning lady threw mine away once and I had to go digging in a State Senator's dumpster to find it. The bottom was broken in half, but I still had to clean it and wear it until I could get a new one...ick!

not an FML, more like a right of passage. everyone throws out at least one retainer. i probably threw away like 5 when i was a kid. everyone does it. it's part of growing up!

ahh! i did that once, at a burger place. we drove all the way back, and i had to put on some gloves&dig through the trash. all that mayo,mustard,and other sandwich leftovers was just greatt. its been over a month and i havent had a burger since.

angelkey2myheart 0

that sucks! my parents bought me my retainers twice almost 1000 bucks because my dog chewed them up. that definitely sucks