By John jacob - 13/06/2011 06:25 - United States

Today, I discovered a tick on my penis. After a long battle, he finally let go. Four hours later I'm in the hospital. My penis is twice the normal size. I may have won the battle but lost the war. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 656
You deserved it 6 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A tick on your dick? Ew, that's sick.

wow maybe having a bigger penis is not that bad?


YDI for pulling the bastard out. It will leave it's claws inside in that case. And yes - it will give you swelling and all other kinds of trouble. The best thing to do is to cover tick with oil, so he won't have any air to breathe. Then it will let go itself.

spider helped spiderman. tick helps..dickman :D

bubble_love 0

why was there a tick on your penis?

prettygabbie 0

how did you get a tick on your penis?

and people spend so much money on pills for a bigger penis. just get a tick lol

nevergo 10

his penis is twice its normal size.....wouldnt most people just call that an erection?

ConnerCyanide 0

Oww!! I sleep nude and the only thing i'm scared off is my parents waking me up.. but now i have other things to worry about ! 0.0

HOLY SHIT. What will you do now that it's four inches? ;P