By Britney - 24/10/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I discovered I have a cyst on my backside. I can't get it removed until Friday. I have to sit through four midterms this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 517
You deserved it 2 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackheart24 10

No, that's an abscess (pus-filled horror show). A cyst is a sac with a lining filled with fluid or debris, depending on the type of cyst.


sillymcjews 0

i have a cyst between my leg and my nutsack. quit complaining

mj_ok 9

Ooo, I have no idea what a cyst is, but it sounds painful

there are some scary cyst videos in youtube

russianspy1234 11

you can get tests delayed with a doctors note, i went in complaining of mild stomach pains once, and they offered to write me a note to delay my finals, in college, in the spring.

every1luvsboners 11

I'm assuming that you were out the day they introduced periods and sentences too.

Get over it. I broke my tailbone, and that took months to heal.

wriptidez 0

buy those padded underwear for women who have fat behinds

I had mine removed. Be glad that you don't have your midterms the week after.