By Britney - 24/10/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I discovered I have a cyst on my backside. I can't get it removed until Friday. I have to sit through four midterms this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 517
You deserved it 2 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackheart24 10

No, that's an abscess (pus-filled horror show). A cyst is a sac with a lining filled with fluid or debris, depending on the type of cyst.


KiddNYC1O 20

Whatever cheek it is, let it hang over the chair.

leadman1989 15

Sounds like a perfect excuse to make a Rube Goldberg device.

WaylonD 4

Pop that bitch!!! N quit whining!

either youre stupid or (judging by your pic) smoked to much dope to understand that when those hurt they hurt like a ******* bitch a majority of the time.

WaylonD 4

Stupid is as stupid does sir! (Salutes!) if she'd pop that bitch, it wouldn't hurt anymore!

Still doesn't fix the pain smart one. Even popping it with a needle the pain will either stay or increase

MsMeiriona 2

See if you can find a way to kneel that would be more comfortable. Sounds like hell, good luck.

I had a cyst on my finger, it wasnt painful at all , so fyl ):

tinkybonk 10

OP must be on the quarter system.

Iv had that twice! They suck. My brother had one removed 5 times.