By Username - 28/03/2011 05:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/11/2009 00:52 - Canada
Awww Sweaty, don't worry
By sopheeah - 29/05/2012 07:54 - Australia - Melbourne
By apparentfatty - 11/11/2011 11:50 - Canada
By Daddy. - 17/02/2010 08:15 - Australia
By BabyDaddy - 30/05/2010 08:05 - Australia
By Toooldforthisshit - 09/12/2018 11:30 - United States - New London
By DreDre - 12/12/2019 03:00
Yeet it
By Anonymous - 22/05/2020 05:00
We need Legal Eagle on this one
By Anonymous - 05/09/2023 20:00
By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 03:30 - United States - Crowley
Top comments
Thumb this comment up if you think: 1) slipping abortion pills as a supplement is dangerous 2) OP has an ass of a boyfriend
Aaaahhh!!!!!! YouTube is spilling over into FML!!!!!!
Is that even possible on FML?
Wow. You need to at least have a very serious talk with him. I don't normally suggest this, but you might even want to seriously consider leaving him for this behaviour, as I'm fairly certain he's crossed more than one line.
I like Germany, here yoz can't just buy those without a recipe from your gynecologist. Dump him, because he endangers your health just because it makes HIM feel better. If he really loved you, he wouldn't give you pills...
how's that "epic win"? Well, anyway....congratulations!
Darnit, 31, you're older than me too!
damn, I feel like a grandma! but I agree w/ this comment. if he's really against kids, maybe he should get snipped
awesome, I think?
His actions made me incredibly angry and they weren't even directed at me. What a moron.
god that's not good they **** up your body I'd have the cops on him in no time or what I'd do is get revenge by slipping him estrogen and Viagra tablets and refuse to have sex with him
I agree with #30 that he must be doing something illegal to get abortion pills. The morning after pill might be obtainable but isn't technically an abortion pill as it stops an egg being fertilised or sometimes stops a fertilised egg attaching to the lining of the uterus. You're not technically pregnant until the egg successfully attaches, and you have to be pregnant to have an abortion. In nature about 80% of fertilised eggs don't attach anyway (little factoid I picked up on my MSc in biochemistry). Whether or not people believe life begins at conception is obviously a personal choice, but stopping an egg implanting isn't an abortion. Eiher way, hormones at those doses can seriously affect your health - tell him no glove no love if he's that worried!
lol niceee
ugh agreed, this fml has me really upset because any medication comes with some serious side effects and everyone should be able to know and make a choice about what's going into their bodies.... it sounds like it's time to make a choice about what of his won't be going into your body anymore. I agree with other PP who suggested calling the police, honestly. this is serious and I can't think of an even remotely decent excuse for this. Esp if it was abortion pill vs morning after pill (I think effects are quite a bit different and that the abortion pill is pretty serious).
No you don't get your period same day you take the morning after pill. you can actually not get it at all or whenever. one morning after pill is the same (+-) as a whole month of birthcontrol pills. she would have noticed due to all the hormones. im calling fake unless shes new on the pills. FYI to t ops bf: by doing what you do its a greater risk she will actiually get pregnant due to ypu messing up her hormone cycle!
I hope you leave him & go see a Dr. what if taking all those pills makes you infertile?
Thumb this comment up if you think: 1) slipping abortion pills as a supplement is dangerous 2) OP has an ass of a boyfriend
wow . what a terd ball. start slipping him estrogen pills. that'll show em